
Towards COP21: Youth Event

The scope of this event was to increase and enhance the role of young people in issues related to the protection of the marine environment and the coastal region of the Mediterranean, as well as to the Agenda 2030 in the region, but also to give them the opportunity to send a message to COP21 of the Barcelona Convention.

An inclusive discussion has been held on the specificities and on the “vision” of young people on the topics of the Barcelona Convention and on the socio-economic aspects of sustainable development in the Mediterranean region, with particular attention to the topics that will be discussed at COP21 in December.

At the end of the event, the young people produced a final document that will be presented by the Rapporteur and a delegation of young people at the plenary session of COP21 in December.

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published on 2019/10/25 17:30:00 GMT+0 last modified 2019-11-28T11:03:07+00:00