
Decision to submit for COP21 from Plan Bleu

At COP 21, countries will be consulted on a roadmap for the second phase of MED 2050 foresight on the future of the Mediterranean at horizon 2050. Coming long after the reference works published by Plan Bleu in 1989 and 2005, MED 2050 will bring new insights on potential sustainable futures for the Mediterranean region, and necessary transitions. MED 2050 first phase focused on long-term trends and setting-up partnerships. The second phase will identify contrasted visions for the future across the basin, in a participatory approach, and help co-construct transitions pathways towards a sustainable and inclusive future.

Finally, countries will discuss a proposed process for a consultation and potential endorsement of the First assessment report on state and risks of climate and environmental change in the Mediterranean currently prepared by a network of voluntary scientists jointly supported by MAP and the Union for the Mediterranean Secretariats. As evidence points out, climate change already causes multiple issues of relevance to the Barcelona Convention and Mediterranean Action Plan, and the results of the report are much expected.

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published on 2019/11/29 06:36:06 GMT+0 last modified 2019-10-31T13:24:32+00:00