
PAP/RAC at the European Maritime Day

PAP/RAC took part in the celebration of the European Maritime Day organized in Lisbon, Portugal, on 16-17 May 2019. Particular focus of PAP/RAC interest has been, among others, be on the session: Adaptation to 1.5C of global warming in ocean and coasts: Urgent action. This session was an excellent opportunity for exchanging experiences, lessons learned, identifying successes, needs and challenges, while its main goal is producing short- and long-term recommendations to mainstream adaptation to impacts in ocean and coastal areas while seizing opportunities towards a climate resilient Blue Economy. PAP/RAC presented the ICZM Protocol in the Mediterranean as a tool for the regional adaptation, and  the Coastal Plan for the Šibenik-Knin County, Croatia, as a local approach to adaptation and local application of the ICZM Protocol.

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published on 2019/05/07 00:10:00 GMT+0 last modified 2019-06-19T11:03:20+00:00