
RESET is born, a new EU-funded project to facilitate the creation of green and sustainable businesses in the Mediterranean

The Regional Activity Center for Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP/RAC) is the leader of the project and main partner, which will be in charge of the regional dissemination of the project learnings.

SCP/RAC is leading a new European project to support the creation of green and sustainable businesses in the Mediterranean. RESET (RESults Enabling Transitions) is an EU-funded project through the ENI CBC MED Programme and is managed by five partners located in different countries in the North and the South of the Mediterranean Basin.

Besides SCP/RAC, other partners take part of the project such as Beyond (Lebanon), PIN S.c.r.l. Educational and Scientific Services for the University of Florence (Italy), Leaders Organization (Palestine) and INJAZ Tunisia (Tunisia). RESET also has seven partners in countries such as Spain and Greece, including UNEP/MAP, or the Balmes University Foundation (University of Vic).

RESET aims to facilitate economic and social development via supporting the creation of sustainable and green businesses. The project will identify and analyse the most successful practices that can further be capitalized on and optimized at project, local, national, and regional level across the Mediterranean. It will gather and synthetise learnings regarding 'what works’ within the field of sustainable and green business support, and seeks to upstream this knowledge in order to support green business creation.

The project will have a duration of 24 months (estimated end on 12/2/2023), during which it will seek to offer support to green entrepreneurs through training in partner countries, in addition to promoting the creation of public policies with a series of regional measures for the development of green and circular businesses.

 On the one hand, the project will produce a research-based need/knowledge map and one innovative database management system. In this regard, it will offer support to and build capacity of EU project stakeholders through 1 capitalisation ‘clinic’, both on a local and regional level. In addition to this, RESET will offer online and face-to-face training to ensure the capitalization of the ground successful practices reaches the green entrepreneurs.

On the other hand, strategic papers to guide green business development strategies will be developed and a Virtual Community of Practice to gather the relevant stakeholders will be created. Last but not least, there will be an award of € 54.000 to showcase the work and stakeholders of RESET and to highlight the importance of capitalisation of EU projects.

This project is the result of many years of experience of the SCP/RAC in supporting eco-innovation in entrepreneurs and SMEs. The Barcelona-based centre is the origin of pioneering initiatives through which the provision of training services, coaching and advice, dialogue on policies, networking and access to financing have been provided.

RESET is an EU-funded project with a total budget of 1€ million, with an EU contribution of 900.000€. In recognition of the Mediterranean accelerating employment and environmental crises, there are various calls for action to create a sustainable and inclusive economy that works for everyone. As the region thrive towards developing and implementing measures for a sustainable green transition, RESET aims to play a key role to facilitate economic and social development via supporting the creation of sustainable and green businesses.

Document Actions

published on 2022/06/24 12:38:20 GMT+0 last modified 2022-06-24T12:38:20+00:00