
SoED 2020 - State of Environment and Development in Mediterranean

On October 21, 2020, the SoED 2020 was presented at a press conference organized by Plan Bleu, the Regional Activity Centre of UNEP / MAP. Many Press Agencies participated in this event, during which the Coordinator of the UNEP / MAP, Gaetano Leone, and the Director of Plan Bleu, François Guerquin, explained the purpose of this publication but especially the critical problems observed in the Mediterranean region. Read the media briefing.

Why this SoED 2020? - Mediterranean Countries and Stakeholders have expressed a need and interest for new information and analysis on environment and development, through recent maps, graphics, data and policies. In the Mediterranean Region, no report of this magnitude had been produced over the past decade. The objective of SoED 2020 is to fill these gaps and increase awareness and understanding of the environmental state and trends in the Mediterranean, their driving forces and impacts, as well as to propose potential responses, while making it easier to measure progress towards sustainable development. The SoED 2020 also provides an up-to-date database to improve the implementation of the MAP 2030 Agenda, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Mediterranean Strategy for Sustainable Development 2016-2025 (MSSD). Another objective of this report is to demonstrate the ability to monitor and analyze the state of the environment, the impact of human activities on the environment and the potential impact of environmental degradation on our well-being and our activities. The SoED 2020 will also be useful for the MED 2050 foresight exercise.

The SoED 2020 is made up of eight thematic chapters and is complemented by two position papers: Summary for decision makers and Key Messages.

Visit the SoED's webpage