
EEA-UNEP/MAP - Lauch country consultation on executive summary of EEA-UNEP/MAP 2nd horizon 2020 indicator based assessment report

The European Environment Agency (EEA) and the United Nations Environment Programme/ Mediterranean Action Plan (UNEP/MAP) have concluded the final draft of the EEA-UNEP/MAP 2nd Horizon 2020 indicator based assessment report  and launched country consultation on it’s the Executive summary ‘“Horizon 2020 Synthesis.”

The EEA-UNEP/MAP 2nd Horizon 2020 indicator based assessment is the key outcome of the joint efforts by EEA-UNEP/MAP to review and monitor progress toward a cleaner Mediterranean based on countries’ inputs and key findings of various regional projects. Read more

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published on 2020/05/18 09:44:00 GMT+0 last modified 2020-05-18T11:01:09+00:00