

Call for expertise to enhance monitoring and assessment of Mediterranean marine ecosystems

As part of the GEF Fish EBM Med project, SPA/RAC launches a call for consultation to improve national capacities for integrating data on commercial fisheries, incidentally caught vulnerable species, pollution impacts and sustainable use of marine ecosystem services into wider Good Environmental Status processes. Submission Deadline:  20 January 2025. Details available in the Terms of Reference.

Call for consultancy for the evaluation of the SPAMI Twinning Programme

SPA/RAC launches a call for consultancy to evaluate the SPAMI Twinning Programme to highlight its importance, identify its strengths and successful practices, as well as aspects that need improvement to enhance its efficiency, sustainability, and impact. The findings will be used to improve the design and planning of future programme editions and to promote the programme while supporting SPA/RAC in securing funding. Submission Deadline: January 22, 2025. Further details are available in the Terms of Reference.

Call for consultancy for the elaboration and implementation of National Operational Strategy for the monitoring of Candidate Indicator 24 in Egypt

SPA/RAC launches a call for consultancy to undertake the following tasks:

  • Elaborate the National Operational Strategy for the monitoring of Candidate Indicator 24 based on the regional operational strategy
  • Launch and implement the National Monitoring Programme of Candidate Indicator 24 in collaboration with national institutes and relevant national authorities.
  • Train and enhance the capacities of the national team involved in monitoring IMAP Candidate Indicator 24 through the organization of capacity-building meetings and targeted technical training.
  • Collect standardized data on marine litter ingested/entangled by sea turtles according to the SPA/RAC-INDICIT protocol on monitoring interactions between marine litter and turtles (ingestion and entanglement) to harmonize data collection methods for monitoring and assessment and evaluate how GES (Good Environmental Status) can be achieved.

Submission Deadline:: 22 January 2025.  Further details are available in the Terms of Reference.

Call for consultation for ecological and socio-economic assessment of the marine and coastal environment of Ashtoum El Gamil Protected Area in Egypt

The SPA/RAC is launching a call for consultation for conducting ecological and socio-economic synthetic assessments of the marine and coastal area of Ashtoum El Gamil Protected Area in Egypt. The initiative, supported by the EU-funded SEMPA project, will lead to launch a participatory process to develop a management plan for Ashtoum El Gamil MCPA. Submission Deadline: January 29, 2025. For more information on the tasks to be undertaken, please refer to the Terms of Reference.

New EMFAF call for proposals for smart specialisation and regenerative ocean farming

The European Commission launched a new call for proposals funded under the European Maritime Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund (EMFAF). With EUR 5.7 million, the call for proposals seeks to fund regional flagships projects supporting sustainable blue economy in EU sea basins for Smart Specialisation, as well Regenerative Ocean Farming and Algae Innovation. European seas and coasts have great potential to foster innovation and technological development. Submission deadline: 18 February 2025, 17:00 CET. 

Document Actions

published on 2025/01/20 10:10:00 GMT+0 last modified 2025-01-20T09:08:54+00:00