The Istanbul Environment Friendly City Award: The winner is............
21st Conference of the Contracting Parties to the Barcelona Convention and its Protocols - COP21
A healthy Mediterranean for a sustainable future
COP21 Media Accreditation
Event “Climate and Environment in the Mediterranean region, our common challenge”
Coast Day 2019: celebrating the importance of Mediterranean coastal zones
Focal Points of UNEP/MAP examine measures aimed at boosting the implementation of the Barcelona Convention and its Protocols
Press release from the CBD Secretariat
"Towards Nature-based Solutions in the Mediterranean": the new booklet of the IUCN
Consultation to elaborate a study on the assessment of the Ecological Status and an MSP preliminary initial assessment in Vlora Marine Area in Albania
The Specially Protected Areas Regional Activity Centre (SPA/RAC) launches a consultation to elaborate study on the assessment of the Ecological Status and an MSP preliminary initial assessment in Vlora Marine Area in Albania. The deadline for receiving proposals is 16 September 2019.