
An APP to clean the sea

Now we can also 'clean' the sea with our mobile phones. It is called SeaWatcher and is a platform developed by INFO/RAC to collect geo-localised information on marine litter and invasive species of conservation interest.

Easy to use, SeaWatcher is an App open to anyone who wants to contribute to the collection of data on marine litter. The project was born from a Bilateral Agreement between the Ministry of the Environment and Protection of Land and Sea (MATTM), now the Ministry of Ecological Transition (MiTE), and the United Nations Mediterranean Action Plan (MAP) for 2018-2020.

But how does it work? Just download it (it is available for both IOS and Android), search for the object or species to be reported, send your report, and that's it: in a few simple steps, you are contributing to environmental protection.

The App is integrated into the InfoMAP system, UNEP/MAP's Mediterranean knowledge platform designed to provide and share data, information and knowledge services for the benefit of its components and Contracting Parties.
Its primary purpose is to stimulate data collection by citizens, civil associations and professional organisations.

In the future it may also be possible to connect to other IMAP indicators through an expandable App, whereby the user can select the topic of interest, and then activate a specific interface for sending data to the InfoMAP system.

Visit the SeaWatcher App site here

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published on 2022/06/01 10:42:32 GMT+0 last modified 2022-06-01T10:42:32+00:00